About Us

Common Europe, an IT user community of IBM based solutions, is an umbrella organization of European national IBM Power Systems™, IBM i™, AIX™, and Linux™ user groups.

The aims and purpose of Common Europe are to:

  • Encourage members to exchange experience and information related to the use of IT.
  • Offer its members advanced education and training in IT.
  • Influence IBM’s strategy for product development and service levels through a formal Requirements Process
  • Encourage an ongoing, open dialogue between members and IBM.
  • Influence the setting of international standards in the interest of its membership

As an umbrella organisation, Common Europe is committed to support its member countries, in achieving their mission at the national level. Specifically, the umbrella organisation supports contacts with, and access to, the international level of the worldwide economy today. IT is the area that is vital to the success of nations and of individual companies alike, and should be represented internationally.

Think Globally, Act Locally

Members of Common Europe may participate in activities at thier country level and through Common Europe, at an international level. Within the country, members often need fast and easy solutions to daily problems, and where communicating in ones native language is often easier. Only a local, national structure can offer this facility. Moreover, these activities can cater to the national culture and flavour. Depending on the geography and on the economic situation, the activities offered in the various countries do vary. Large countries often organise conferences of two or more days with exhibitions and multi stream agendas, while smaller countries might prefer something smaller.

At the European level, the official language is English. Once a year, Common Europe organises an international congress in one of the member countries, and members from all countries are invited.

Common Europe is also charged with forming an advisory council consisting of a representative sample of all end user members. This council known as Common Europe Advisory Council (CEAC) is used as a forum for a dialogue with IBM on strategic and long term issues.

Common Europe also participates in an open worldwide forum, with other independent Common organziations worldwide, which can be used to bring the influence of the global community of users where necessary.